Pricing Options



How to manage price changes on the invoice, quote and job card forms.


Change the price directly on the invoice, quote or job card.

To prevent this, uncheck Allow Price Changes in the Invoice options form, or set this using permissions for spesific security groups.

In the Invoice Options form, you can specify a maximum invoice discount as well as a default invoice discount.

Selecting the Variable Price checkbox in the Stock Main Form will exempt certain items from this restriction.

To prevent items from being sold below cost, uncheck the Allow Sell Item Below Cost checkbox.

Please keep in mind that you can disable editing of the MU and GP in the invoice form by deselecting Allow Price Changes or Show Markup/profit/GP.


Use Price levels.

Select Price by right-clicking on the row. Select one of the prices determined by the Price Levels in the main stock form.

The price level can be controlled by only allowing certain price levels to be selected by each employee.


Control using the customer form's discounts.

In the Customer > Financial Info form, enter the discount percentage and line discount percentage.


Control using the stock groups.

In the Stock Items > Stock Groups form, set the minimum and maximum percentage allowed per stock group.


In the Stock Main Form > Cost and Selling tab, configure the ten price levels, volume discount, and special prices.


See also Variable Price in the Main Stock Form > Additional Info Tab.

Even if Allow Price Changes is not enabled in the Invoice Security Form, selecting the Variable Price Option will allow price editing on the invoice for this item. This is a useful feature if you want to change your labour rate on the invoice but not the prices of the other items.



See also: Discount Rules, Rounding, Bulk Price Changes as well as Recalculate Prices For Stock Group.


Keywords: Pricing Options