Taking on inventory balances

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Step 1 - Add all your inventory items.

Before you can take on balances you must first add all your inventory items via the Stock Main Form.

The preferred way is to import all your inventory items as well as the average cost price via the CSV Import form. Go to Stock Items > Stock Extra >| Stock & Price List Import.

Inventory items must be added per supplier, thus each supplier must have its own CSV file.


Step 2 - Adding quantities and average cost.

You can use the Stock > Stock Adjustment form to input your inventory opening quantities and average cost values.

Remember to change the general ledger account from Stock Adjustment to an Opening Balance Account.


Importing your quantities from a CSV file

Important, make sure that you have added the average cost price for each item before you add your quantities.

Go to Stock > Stock Take and click on Regular Stock Take.

Click on the Create New Stock Take tab.

After creating the Stock Take, go back to the Stock Take Report to the Process Tab.

Double click on the Stock Take Report.

Click on the Import Counted from CSV button on the menu.

Select your CSV file and click the Import button to import the quantities to the stock take report.


See also Stock Take

Keywords: Taking on inventory balances