Customer: Sales Pipeline Overview |
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A sales pipeline is a systematic approach to selling a product or service. It describes the individual steps salespeople take from initial contact with a potential customer, or prospect, to qualifying that prospect into a lead, and further validating that lead into a sales opportunity followed through the different stages until closed.
To set up your sales pipeline go to Company > Extra > Table Maintenance. Select the Customer tab and then select the Sales Pipeline button
The Sales Pipeline data is derived from the Customer > Conversations
Hover the mouse over the different menu options. If the cursor changes to a hand (), then click to go to the subject.
To get an overview of the sales pipeline go to Customer > Extra > Sales Pipeline Overview
Days before pipeline
Days between Account opened and the first contact
Sales Pipeline Overview - Metrics
Number of customers in pipeline - In Pipeline
Number won - Won
Number Lost - Lost
% of deals that successfully makes it through the pipeline - Win %
New prospects this month - Where the First Sales contact was in this month.
Average time deals stay in the pipeline before they are won - or sales velocity (days). - Avg. time to close days.
Customers per Pipeline Stage
Only the last conversation per client is displayed here.
Sales Conversation Analysis.
In Process column
All conversations except won and lost
In Process = Number of conversations.
Example a) 1 customer with 2 conversations will give you an In Process count of 2.
Example b) 2 customers with 5 conversations between them will give you an In Process count of 5.
Won column
This column is independent from the In Process column.
The highest number is the number of clients who bought.
Demo given -- Won 2 - This means that where you have given a demo you have won 2
Number of deals in your pipeline (#). Average size of a deal in your pipeline ($). Average percentage of deals that successfully makes it through the pipeline - or lead-to-customer conversion ratio. Average time deals stay in the pipeline before they are won - or sales velocity (days).
Sales Pipeline - Dashboard

Sales Pipeline: Dashboard