Stock Extra: Lot Numbers

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Lot Tracking.

The main reason for Lot tracking is to manage inventory more efficient where the amount of items per box can differ from the next.

During the manufacturing process a problem can occur where too much or too little is manufactured. This problem is resolved during the GRN process, the system generates a barcode that includes the Lot number as well as the quantity.

During the Stock take, the barcode just needs to be scanned and the system will automatically calculate the quantities. The quantity then does not have to be entered as the system does it automatically.


During the sales process the generated Lot / Quantity code can also be used to ensure that the correct quantity inventory is sold.


Each Lot Contains the Following Information

-Lot number (SI system assigned)

-Lot reference (supplier or self-assigned)

-Expiry Date (can be blank)

-Active (There are items on hand and has not expired)


In order to use the Smart-IT Lot tracking function, follow these easy steps:


Step 1: Setup

Do the following setup to ensure that the Lot Tracking works correctly.


Go to Stock > Stock Options



Ensure “Generate MPLU for Lot/Qty” is selected. The system will automatically generate a MPLU barcode for a lot and quantity combination once the Lot has been GRV’ed.

The “Goods Receiving Label Quantity Default” should be set to one.

Deselect “ Add item – Jump to if already on GRN”


Step 2: Stock

The stock item needs to be set up for Lot tracking.

Stock > Additional Info > Lot Tracking




Step 3: GRV/GRN

Stock > Add GRN

When doing a GRN for the item, ensure the Lot number is added:




The amount of labels which are required to be printed can also be added in the Labels column.


Printing Lot Labels for this GRN:

Click on Labels then preview or print the MPLU. You need to select a label report to use.

Lot_LabelsClick on Labels then preview or print the MPLU. You




The label can now be printed.

The system will automatically create the multiple barcodes on the stock item



Lot Invoicing:




Adding a lot item on an invoice you will be required to type in the lot ref or select it by clicking on the three dots(…) in the lot ref cell.

The MPLU number can also be used when invoicing or using a barcode scanner:

Please note that scanning the generated MPLU will automatically fill in the lot and qty.



Lot Tracking

To view all lots for a specific stock item go to:

Stock > Stock Extra > Lot Tracking > Lots


Stock Take

Stock take needs to be done by Lot. Each Lot has its own line that needs to be counted.  If the stock take is done by CSV import and the barcode for the Lot MPLU is used, the system will add the qty counted per lot.

Keywords: Lot Reference,Lot Tracking