Loyalty Card Types

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Use this module to add the different types of loyalty cards.

Go to Customer > Extra > Loyalty > Loyalty Types

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Points per RandEarn PercentageThresholdsWecome Emails
Loyalty Types

Loyalty Types




Earn %:

The percentage of points the customer will earn if he buys something.

Points Per Rand:

To get the monetary value of points earned, divide the points earned e.g. 320/50 (points per Rand) = R6.40. Leave as one, then 1 point will equal 1 Rand

Thresholds - Invoice Count:

After this count is reached, SI+ will generate a list of customers who have reached this count and must be sent an email for marketing purposes. For a list see Customer > Extra > Loyalty > Loyalty Lookup


Each loyalty card can have its own threshold.

Example, the Gold Card can have a threshold (Invoice Count) of 5 and the Platinum Card a threshold of 25. If the count of 5 is reached then SI+ will automatically change the client's card type from Gold to Platinum.

When an invoice is processed the loyalty card is automatically adjusted if the threshold is reached.


See also Loyalty & Gift Cards and Loyalty Card Detail


Keywords: Loyalty Card Types