Time Clock Lookup

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Summary BarSearch barGrid ReportsPay AmountCloseClocked In ...OvertimeExcel ExportPrintClear FilterRefreshEmployee_TimeClockLookup


You can change almost all the numbers manually.


Clocked In, Pending ...

After clocking out, the data is moved to the Pending Approval tab, then to the Approved tab after approval, and finally to the Completed tab when the Completed checkbox is selected.

Night Hours

To record it you must enable it and specify when the night hours start. Set it in Employee Options.

Overtime Hours

Overtime is all hours worked that exceed 9 hours.

Overtime hours must  be enabled in the employee settings.

Pay Amount

To work out the payment amount, the hourly wages must be entered on the Employee > Salary Info tab.

Recalculate Button

If you modified the employee settings, select the row(s) and click the Recalc button.






Keywords: Export Time Clock Data,Overtime Lookup,Pay Amount,Time Clock Lookup