Export / Import A GRN

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Import Goods Received Notes

Instead of entering the GRN data manually you can import the stock items.


The following 3 methods are available:

Importing an invoice that was generated with Smart IT

Importing a GRN that was generated with Smart IT.

Importing an Excel XLSX file.


To import the data, open the GRN form Stock Items > Goods Receiving and select the import button on the menu bar.



To import a Smart IT GRN or Invoice, select the document by going to the folder where you have stored the file that was emailed to you by your supplier.


If you wish to import the stock items via Excel, select import from XLSX. The following image will open.

Goods_Receiving XLSX


How to export an Invoice and Goods Received Note (GRN).

You can export an invoice, quote or GRN.

This will export the data to a format that can be imported by any SI+ program.


Go to Stock Items >  GRN Lookup

Right-click on the GRN No. you want to convert and click on Export GRN. Only completed GRN's can be converted.

The GRN will be exported to C;\Users\Your Name\Smart-It\GRN_xx.sie.


To export an invoice go to Invoice > Invoice Lookup, right-click on the invoice no and select Export The Data.


Keywords: Export / Import a Goods Received Note,GRN Export